September Inspo Graphics✨

September Inspo Graphics✨

Posted by bs on Aug 31st 2023

September Inspo Graphics for Small Business Owners:

Feeling a little down about sales last month? Can't find your motivation to keep you going?

WE GOT YOU, SIS❤Feel free to screenshot, download, share, or whatever you have to do with these graphics to get back your Small Biz MOJO! We know it's not easy being a boss babe, so we will be sending out inspirational graphics every month to help you keep doing the dang thang! 

Can we be any more clear? If you have the trust, you will see BIG results, bestie!

Never doubt yourself. Find that mindset that started this small business and manifest it!

Let's be real...we all want or HAVE that C.E.O status right? Isn't that why you are here? OWN it and BE it!

Here's your friendly reminder that nothing about being a small business owner will be easy. If it is, push harder!

Wipe those tears and keep on going, my friends! The tears help us learn and grow...just make sure you look good doing it!

We all have that bad vibe detector, TRUST IT! Bad vibes just don't go with anyone's outfit.

It's literally the motto of our business. Need I say more?!

Sometimes we just need a little reminder of who we are to get us going in the morning and that's okay!

We all go through those tricky days, tricky situations, and tricky business decisions-get through them and get past them. It'll be okay in the end.

We love this because it's everything you need for the month in one pretty picture. SAVE it and REMEMBER it!

I'll end our inspo with this [salty] reminder: You are not only the secret ingredient, but the MAIN ONE!

Hope you got some smiles out of these graphics or at the very least...a cute screensaver! Enjoy your month, small business bestie!


BTE Team